BECOME A GAME & UX DESIGNER AT FUTUREGAMESAre you ready to make a significant impact on the future? Launch an exciting career as a UX designer specializing in gaming!UX design is in higher demand than ever, fueled by innovations in VR/AR and AI technologies. Today, as businesses aim to improve customer interactions, the significance of digital and conversational UX is reaching new heights. In game development, UX design is the critical junction where player psychology and game design creativity meet. Every decision made by the development team directly impacts the player's experience. Embrace the role of the player's advocate as a UX designer, creating games that you yourself would be eager to play!By enrolling as a Game and UX Designer student at Futuregames, you'll gain proficiency in game development, user experience (UX), VR/AR, gamification, business innovation, and leadership.- Study in Skellefteå, you are guaranteed accommodation (read more on our website)- 20 weeks of internship ENGAGE IN COLLABORATIVE GAME PROJECTSDuring your journey at Futuregames, you'll be an active participant in immersive game projects, collaborating closely with peers from our concurrent programs. These projects mirror the intensity and dynamics of professional endeavors within the gaming industry, preparing you for a dynamic career in the realm of creativity.SOLID BUSINESS NETWORKS SUPPORTS YOUR JOURNEYArctic Game Lab, situated within the Skellefteå campus, is one of the rapidly expanding game clusters in northern Europe. It bridges the gap between companies and students, fostering collaborative learning environments where the community can mutually benefit and grow.20 WEEKS OF INTERNSHIP (LIA)As part of this education, you will embark on LIA (Lärande i Arbete), commonly known as an internship. This hands-on internship component plays a vital role in enhancing your learning and equipping you with the practical work experience needed to shape the game experiences of today and tomorrow.YOUR CAREERExamples of titles and professional roles for you after graduation include:– Experience Designer – Interaktionsdesigner – UX Designer – User Researcher– Gamification Designer– Planner
Du är behörig att antas till en yrkeshögskoleutbildning om du uppfyller något av följande: 1. Har en gymnasieexamen från gymnasieskolan eller kommunal vuxenutbildning. 2. Har en svensk eller utländsk utbildning som motsvarar kraven i punkt 1. 3. Är bosatt i Danmark, Finland, Island eller Norge och där är behörig till motsvarande utbildning. 4. Genom svensk eller utländsk utbildning, praktisk erfarenhet eller på grund av någon annan omständighet har förutsättningar att tillgodogöra dig utbildningen. Förutom detta ställs följande krav: Kurser: Teoretiska kurser som finns på fler program Engelska 6, 100p Svenska 2 eller Svenska som andraspråk 2, 100p